Buy Fair Trade – Spread the Word!

Are you committed to supporting a sustainable economy by buying fair trade products?
Do you purchase a Fair Trade Certified cup of coffee or tea each day?
Do you wish more people knew about fair trade?

The fair trade movement and growth of the fair trade market is growing each and every day in the state of Ohio, but it could grow more AND you could be part of it.  The Ohio Fair Trade Network has developed a simple way for you to share the news of your fair trade purchase with people across Ohio, the U.S., and the world!

Each time you purchase a fair trade product take just ten seconds and fill out a super-easy online form at our website found at:

Once you fill out this form we will TWEET (that means share on Twitter) the news of your fair trade purchase with more than 1,000 people following Ohio Fair Trade Network on Twitter.  It will give people throughout Ohio, our country, and our global community the opportunity to learn how important fair trade is to Ohioans!

So, the next time you make a fair trade purchase, make sure to complete the form at: – it will only take 10 seconds but will have ripple effects for farmers and artisans for years to come!