Event Sponsor

Revy Fair Trade
Ron Ober

Revy Fair Trade offers a wide variety of accessories exclusively from El Salvador. Our accessories are from either recycled or natural materials. Much of our product line is made from recycled inner-tubes picked up by the roadside in El Salvador. Other items are hand tie-dyed from organically grown indigo.

What inspired you to get started in Fair Trade?
We feel that we hit the jackpot by being born in America. Most of the world is not that lucky. We feel that we have an obligation to give back to those who are not as fortunate as us.

What is your favorite thing about Fair Trade?
Our favorite thing is the people. This includes the artisans in El Salvador and those in the fair trade movement here in the United States.

What can individuals do to promote fair trade beyond the label?
Fair trade is about justice. We need to go beyond products and look for ways to create a more equal and just world everywhere.

What else should we know about your or your product or both?
We are members of the Fair Trade Federation, and active in the Ohio Fair Trade Network including participating as volunteers for the Ohio Fair Trade Teach-In & Expo. Our efforts go beyond just selling products. We promote the message wherever we can.

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